Tuesday 5 August 2014

Sexual Medicine

Dr. HASHMI, a sexuality counselor and India Times best-selling author, blogs about sex weekly on The Chart. Read more on website,  http://healthsupplementcapsules.com

Our Hashmi Mart given the ease with which the average person can rattle off brand names like “SIKANDAR-E-AZAM” and “MUGHAL-E-AZAM,” or joke about “four hour eject semen,” it would seem that premature ejaculation  drugs are just about as common as ibuprofen.

If you once known as “impotence,” premature ejaculation (PE) was originally thought to be caused by anxiety, nerves, or low self-esteem; now it’s serious and very common issue for health that hinges on the flow of blood into the penis and taking a medicine to deal with the issue is often no big deal.

Unless or until you have already fathered at least one child or had your sex hormone tested before the original vasectomy, the chance exists that you are experiencing difficultly conceiving now because your sperm quality has always been low – you just were not aware of it. A small blood test and physical exam will help identify a low sperm count and after completing this test you will be able to know that you are able or unable to generate offspring.


  1. Now sexual medicines can boost sexual stamina while having sexual intercourse and there are many drugs invented to get back sexual strength like generic viagra medication.

  2. Sexual Medicine Kamagra Polo brings about proper functioning of the male organ and make them get freedom from the problem of erectile dysfunction.
